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Score a Story: Mission 1
1. Introduction - Getting the most out of this course
Before You Start
What you'll learn in this course
Inspiration accelerates learning
How to use the course
PDFs: Music Scores/Manuscript
2. Compose with C notes
Space Academy: Learn C notes
Flight Simulator: Play C notes
Launch Pad: Compose with C notes
3. Compose with semibreves/whole notes
Space Academy: Learn semibreves/whole notes
Flight Simulator: Play semibreves/whole notes
Launch Pad: Compose with semibreves/whole notes
Lift Off: Perform your score with semibreves/whole notes
4. Compose with minims/half notes
Space Academy: Learn minims/half notes
Flight Simulator: Play minims/half notes
Launch Pad: Compose with minims/half notes
Lift Off: Perform your score with minims/half notes
5. Compose with crotchets/quarter notes
Space Academy: Learn crotchets/quarter notes
Flight Simulator: Play crotchets/quarter notes
Launch Pad: Compose with crotchets/quarter notes
Lift Off: Perform your score with crotchets/quarter notes
6. Compose with quavers/eighth notes
Space Academy: Learn quavers/eighth notes
Flight Simulator: Play quavers/eighth notes
Launch Pad: Compose with quavers/eighth notes
Lift Off: Perform your score with quavers/eighth notes
7. Compose with rests
Space Academy: Learn rests
Flight Simulator: Play rests
Launch Pad: Compose with rests
Lift Off: Perform your score with rests
8. Compose with dotted crotchet/quarter notes
Space Academy: Learn dotted crotchets/quarter notes
Flight Simulator: Play dotted crotchets/quarter notes
Launch Pad: Compose with dotted crotchets/quarter notes
Lift Off: Perform your score with dotted crotchets/quarter notes
9. Compose with dotted minims/half notes, triple time and 8v
Space Academy: Learn dotted minims/half notes and triple time
Flight Simulator: Play dotted minims/half notes and triple time
Launch Pad: Compose with dotted minims/half notes and triple time
Lift Off: Perform your score with dotted minims/half notes and triple time
10. Compose with compound rhythm
Space Academy: Learn 6/8 compound rhythm
Flight Simulator: Play 6/8 compound rhythm
Launch Pad: Compose with 6/8 compound rhythm
Lift Off: Perform your score with 6/8 compound rhythm
Flight Simulator: Play semibreves/whole notes
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